Home Museum of books Handwritten documents The Archives of a Kherson priest Leonid Hoshkevich

The Archives of a Kherson priest Leonid Hoshkevich

The Archives of a Kherson priest Leonid Hoshkevich

The collection of manuscript documents also contains the family archives of a Kherson priest, the Very Reverand Leonid Hoshkevich, a small part of which (compilation of 393 singles) the library was fortunate to obtain from a local ethnographer at the end of the 90's of the now past 20th century.  Regretfully, it is only a portion of the family's legacy of documents, the remainder of which are possibly scattered amongst the numerous stacks of Kherson's collectors.

The prominent representatives of this large and distinguished family left after themselves a solid vestige and played a significant role in the cultural life not only of Kherson but in the country as a whole.
First of all, the well known to all Victor Ivanovich Hoshkevich (born 1860), was the founder, organizer and supervisor of Kherson Ethnographic Museum, as well as an archeologist, community activist, scientist, renown publicist, editor and founder of the newspaper “The South” (1898-1907).  For his conscientious work as an ethnographer in 1922, he was honored with the title of Hero of Labor.
Other than him, there were also three brothers.  The oldest of them, but lesser known to the  general public, Mihaylo Ivanovich Hoshkevich (born 1853), a state advisor (1888), and assistant to Kherson Province Inspector on medical issues.  A doctor by profession, he was also the author of statistical essays about the sanitation activities in Kherson at the end of the XIX century and numerous publications on medical issues.  At the beginning of his professional work as an intern in a military hospital No. 62, he took part in the events of the Russian-Turkish war in 1877-1878.  He was awarded the bronze medal of honor and given the third rank of the Order of St. Stanislav (December 28, 1877). (1)

The youngest of the brothers – Mykola Ivanovich Hoshkevich ([birth year 1870]), an actual state advisor, was also an inspector of educational institutions in the Polish section of Russia. (2) Regretfully, we have no other information available about him.

And, strictly speaking, Leonid Ivanovich Hoshkevich (birth year 1868), was a priest of the order of a reverand.   It is often said of people who are unwavering as “Chosen by God”.  Possibly, such people can be  divided into those who were bestowed with a talent from God, and those who were given a heavy burden – commanding them to perform in this life a particular mission of goodness.  Leonid Hoshkevich belonged to the latter.  All of his life, he rescued souls.  In one of his sermons, Father Leonid said: “...always and at whatever time, I am ready to serve everyone, to be everything for everyone”. (3)  Leonid Hoshkevich's service was related to Kherson cathedrals.  He served in the cathedrals of the Holy Spirit and All Saints on the central cemetary.  And everywhere, he was surrounded by love and respect of the congregation and colleagues.  There were even those who were distant from the church, who turned to him.  During the period of the German occupation, the Very Reverand Hoshkevich actively participated in the rescue of the Judeans.  In order to rescue them from execution, he personally baptized 120 Judeans.  For his irreproachable service in honor of the Holy church, Father Leonid was honored with all of the awards that existed for priests in the Orthodox Church.  And for his patriotic work during the Nazi occupation, he was awarded the medal “ For Valorous Effort in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”.  (4)



04.11.2011 09:16

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